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Data Capture Challenge 2021  

  It’s ON – your turn to go for GOLD !  

Introducing our first “Open Spatial Data Challenge” 

You are invited to participate and if that’s not for you—please spectate, review, and congratulate!  The “Data Challenge” is an opportunity for individuals to complete a data capture challenge and go for gold. (There will be a medal ceremony!)

The Challenge

The challenge is to capture to ASPEC standards specific features and attributes from a design drawing  to create the as-constructed drawing and successfully validate it in the ACDC Portal ( The data and drawing extent will be a small part of an overall plan and will not take very long to complete. Success will be achieved by completing the exercise in the shortest time and with the highest level of quality and completeness. You can complete the data challenge any time during "challenge week"


Challenge Week: 

START:  Wednesday 29 September, 2021, 10 a.m. AEST

END:  Wednesday 6 October, 2021, 10 a.m. AEST

How it Works

Register and Prepare

  1. Register on the sign up form below before the close of the challenge to participate

  2. An ASPEC toolkit and documentation will be provided

    1. Toolkit will include, CAD Template, Menu's, Attributed blocks, Attributor config/setup

    2. Documentation will include, install setup instructions

    3. Specifics on the project and data to be captured, etc.

  3. You can download the toolkit ahead of time and get yourself all set up and ready before challenge week


What to Do

  1. Complete, validate, and flag your submission as "Ready for Review" when done

  2. Complete the following during the challenge week time window  

  3. At the start of Challenge week, Open Spatial will post the sample data/plan and details of which data need be captured from the design documents in the portal. The sample plan and associated detail documents will be available for the week's time window. Don't worry it will not be a lot of data/large plan and you will only need to capture a subset of the plan (as directed).

  4. You can participate anytime during the weeks’ time window but take note of how the start and stop timing is determined (see the next steps below).

  5. Once you download the sample data/plan from the portal, the clock starts for your entry. 

  6. Capture the data as CAD entities (lines, attributed blocks, etc.) and submit the drawing to the portal project for validation. 

  7. Your drawing must be validated successfully in the portal.

  8. You must flag the drawing as "Ready for Review"—this will stop the clock for your entry.


Winning—Best Time, Completeness and Quality

  1. Shortest time: Open Spatial will track the time from when you download the plan to when you flag your validated submittal as "Ready for Review".

  2. Completeness: Open Spatial will confirm all assets have been captured and measure completeness.

  3. Quality will also be assessed


The fine print (terms) and other information (conditions)

  1. Only one entry is allowed per individual

  2. By registering and participating in the challenge you agree that your name and participation in the challenge can be publicized and referenced by Open Spatial.

  3. Open Spatial will be adjudicators and judges. Judges' decisions will be final and no communication will be entered into.

  4. While there is no monetary reward or incentive offered to winners, a medal will be awarded to recognize the winner/s and their organization

  5. Open Spatial is not responsible for any web or computer glitches or issues if they occur,  or documentation or data inconsistencies or mis-interpretations 

  6. Open Spatial staff may complete the challenge but are not eligible for medals and may have their own internal challenge 

Register for 2021 Data Challenge

Thank you for registering for Data Challenge 2021!

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